what is the value of 4 in 0.045

The number 4 is in the hundredths place in the decimal 0.045. The first number after the decimal is the tenths place (0), the second number after the decimal is the hundredths place (4), and the third number after the decimal is the thousandths place (5).

Is that what the problem was asking?

Thanks Jessica

To determine the value of 4 in 0.045, we must identify the place value of 4 in the decimal number.

0.045 can be written as follows:

- The digit 4 is in the hundredths place.
- The digit 5 is in the thousandths place.

Therefore, the value of 4 in 0.045 is four hundredths.

To find the value of 4 in the number 0.045, you need to understand place value. In the decimal system, each digit to the right of the decimal point represents a fraction of a power of 10. Specifically, the first digit to the right of the decimal point represents tenths, the second digit represents hundredths, the third digit represents thousandths, and so on.

In the number 0.045, the digit 4 is the second digit to the right of the decimal point. Therefore, it represents the hundredths place.

To determine the value of 4 in the hundredths place, you can express it as a fraction. The digit 4 in the hundredths place means it is equivalent to 4/100 or 0.04.

So, the value of 4 in 0.045 is 0.04 or four hundredths.