The understanding of basic human rights fits with an individual's right to believe that cloning is either right or wrong.

We can't use the words right or wrong. Any ideas that I could replace them with and still having it make sense?

"to be legal or illegal" would work without using the morality issue.

Or -- ethical or unethical?

If we want to avoid using the words "right" or "wrong" while retaining the original meaning, we can replace them with alternative terms that convey a similar sense. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Ethical or unethical: The understanding of basic human rights fits with an individual's right to believe that cloning is either ethical or unethical.

2. Morally acceptable or morally objectionable: The understanding of basic human rights fits with an individual's right to believe that cloning is either morally acceptable or morally objectionable.

3. Valid or invalid: The understanding of basic human rights fits with an individual's right to believe that cloning is either valid or invalid.

4. Just or unjust: The understanding of basic human rights fits with an individual's right to believe that cloning is either just or unjust.

By using these alternative terms, we can effectively convey the same meaning while avoiding the explicit use of the words "right" or "wrong."