Where would one expect to see a peak corresponding to a carbonyl group

A. 1350-1500
B. 1625-1800
C. 1700-1825
D. 1775-1900
E. 1625-1850



To determine where one would expect to see a peak corresponding to a carbonyl group, we need to consider the typical range of wavenumbers (cm⁻¹) at which carbonyl peaks occur in infrared (IR) spectroscopy.

In IR spectroscopy, the carbonyl functional group (C=O) typically exhibits a strong and characteristic peak in the mid-infrared (MIR) region. The wavenumber range for carbonyl peaks is typically between 1625 cm⁻¹ and 1825 cm⁻¹.

Based on the given options:
A. 1350-1500 cm⁻¹: This range is not within the typical carbonyl peak range.
B. 1625-1800 cm⁻¹: This range includes the typical carbonyl peak range and is a possible choice.
C. 1700-1825 cm⁻¹: This range includes the typical carbonyl peak range and is a possible choice.
D. 1775-1900 cm⁻¹: This range is slightly higher than the typical carbonyl peak range and may include some carbonyl peaks, but it is not the most common range.
E. 1625-1850 cm⁻¹: This range includes the typical carbonyl peak range and is a possible choice.

From the options provided, the most appropriate range for a peak corresponding to a carbonyl group would be C. 1700-1825 cm⁻¹ and E. 1625-1850 cm⁻¹.