what is the negetive and positive of shapes?

Shapes do not have inherent positive or negative connotations. The idea of positive and negative is subjective and can vary depending on the context in which a shape is being used or perceived.

In certain contexts, shapes may be seen as positive because they convey a sense of stability, symmetry, or aesthetic appeal. For example, circles are often associated with unity and completeness, while squares or triangles can be interpreted as strong and balanced.

On the other hand, shapes may be perceived as negative if they are irregular, asymmetrical, or evoke feelings of discomfort or unease. Some examples might include jagged or chaotic shapes that are commonly associated with danger or instability.

It's important to note that these connotations can be subjective and can vary depending on cultural, historical, and personal perspectives. It is also possible for a shape to have different interpretations based on the context in which it is used.