list the next 7 polygons after pentagon..

I just goggled "names of polygons"

here is the first page

octagon, polygon, ....

How much wire did Donnie use to complete his shop project?

iDK how the frick should i know just tell me da anwser

To list the next 7 polygons after a pentagon, we need to understand the pattern of polygons.

A polygon is determined by the number of sides it has. The names of polygons are derived from Greek prefixes combined with the suffix "-gon." For example, "pent-" signifies five, so a polygon with five sides is called a pentagon.

To continue the list of polygons, we can identify the pattern in the Greek prefixes:

1. Triangle (3 sides)
2. Quadrilateral (4 sides)
3. Pentagon (5 sides)
4. Hexagon (6 sides)
5. Heptagon or Septagon (7 sides)
6. Octagon (8 sides)
7. Nonagon or Enneagon (9 sides)
8. Decagon (10 sides)

Therefore, the next 7 polygons after a pentagon are as follows:
- Hexagon (6 sides)
- Heptagon or Septagon (7 sides)
- Octagon (8 sides)
- Nonagon or Enneagon (9 sides)
- Decagon (10 sides)
- Undecagon (11 sides)
- Dodecagon (12 sides)