You find a male tribble with plaid fur. When you cross this male with a purebred solid blue female, all the offspring are solid blue. A cross between two of these F1 tribbles produces an F2 generation that is 3/4 solid blue and 1/4 plaid. All of the blue F2 tribbles are male.

Using this info; if the mom is solid blue, determine the father of the following litter.
320 blue plaid 300 pale blue plaid
290 blue solid 310 pale blue solid

#1) male's genotype
#2.) male's phenotype


To determine the father of the given litter, we need to understand the inheritance patterns of the tribbles and use the given information.

Let's break down the information provided step by step:

1. When you cross a male tribble with plaid fur and a purebred solid blue female, all the offspring are solid blue.
2. When you cross two of these F1 tribbles (offspring from step 1), the F2 generation is 3/4 solid blue and 1/4 plaid. All of the blue F2 tribbles are male.

Based on this information, we can infer the following:

1. The plaid fur is a recessive trait since crossing a plaid male with a solid blue female results in all solid blue offspring.
2. The blue color is dominant because in the F2 generation, 3/4 of the offspring are solid blue.
3. All of the blue F2 tribbles are male, indicating that the blue color is linked to the Y chromosome, making it the result of a sex-linked trait.

Now, let's analyze the given litter:

#1) 320 blue plaid & 300 pale blue plaid
#2) 290 blue solid & 310 pale blue solid

In both cases, the mother is solid blue. Since blue is dominant, she must have at least one blue allele.

For #1:
We have some information about the offspring, but we need to determine the genotype and phenotype of the father. Since the male offspring are plaid (which is a recessive trait), the father must be a heterozygous carrier for the plaid trait. Therefore, the genotype of the male would be Plaid Blue (Pp).

For #2:
Again, we have some information about the offspring, but we need to determine the genotype and phenotype of the father. The male offspring are solid and blue, so the father must be homozygous for the blue allele. Therefore, the genotype would be Blue Blue (BB).

To summarize:

#1) male's genotype: Plaid Blue (Pp)
#2) male's phenotype: Plaid

Remember, this answer is based on the given information and using logical deductions based on genetics.