is it hopeful that we will come out of this recession

Yes. We always have survived recessions and depressions. There's no reason to believe that today is any different.

The charts among these search results are very interesting:

They show how the US economy has gone up and down over time.

Determining whether we will come out of a recession is a complex question that depends on numerous factors such as government policies, economic indicators, global events, and technological advancements. As an AI, I can provide you with a framework to assess this situation and understand the potential for recovery.

1. Economic indicators: Monitor key indicators such as GDP growth rate, employment rates, inflation, and consumer spending. Improvements in these areas often signal a recovering economy.

2. Government policies: Governments play a significant role in stimulating economic growth. Watch for policies such as fiscal stimulus packages, tax incentives, and infrastructure investments that aim to boost economic activity.

3. Industry trends: Assess the performance of different industries. Some sectors may rebound faster than others due to changes in consumer behavior or government support. For example, technology, healthcare, and renewable energy sectors have demonstrated resilience during challenging times.

4. Global context: Examine the global economic landscape as it can greatly impact the recovery trajectory. Factors like international trade, geopolitical stability, and global growth patterns can influence the pace and extent of economic recovery.

5. Technological advancements: Consider how technological innovations can drive economic growth. Assess potential breakthroughs or emerging trends in sectors like artificial intelligence, automation, biotechnology, or renewable energy that may contribute to economic recovery.

Ultimately, it is challenging to predict the future with certainty, especially in times of uncertainty like a recession. However, by analyzing these factors and understanding the broader economic landscape, you can gain insights into the likelihood of the economy coming out of a recession.