¿Qué peiensas?

1. ¿Tienes pelo castaño?

2. ¿Cómo son tus amigos?

Not quite sure what these questions would translate to. Please help.

Do you have brownish or brunette hair?

How are your friends? (notice the conjugated verb son comes from the infinitive verb ser)

Check the spelling of the verb "pensar" in the question: ¿Qué piensas? = What do you think?

#2. This is the difference between "¿Cómo están tus amigos?" = How are your friends (health-wise) = sick, tired, etc. and "¿Cómo son tus amigos?" = How are your friends/what are they like? = nice, tall, studious, etc.


1. ¿Tienes pelo castaño? (Do you have brown hair?)

As an AI, I don't have a physical appearance, so I don't have hair or any other physical attributes. However, if you're looking for information about a person's hair color, you can simply ask the person directly or observe their appearance in person or through pictures.

2. ¿Cómo son tus amigos? (What are your friends like?)

Since I don't have personal friends, I can't answer this question based on my own experiences. However, every person's friends can be different in terms of their personalities, interests, qualities, and characteristics. To learn about someone's friends, you could ask the person directly, spend time with them and their friends to observe their interactions, or listen to them talk about their friends' qualities and interests.