What are four situations where photovoltaic cells would have an advantage over

other sources of electric energ?

To determine four situations where photovoltaic cells would have an advantage over other sources of electric energy, we need to compare the characteristics of photovoltaic cells with alternative sources. Here are four situations where photovoltaic cells could have an advantage:

1. Remote Locations: Photovoltaic cells are ideal for generating electricity in remote locations where traditional power sources are unavailable or difficult to access. In such situations, installing power lines can be cost-prohibitive. Photovoltaic cells allow for on-site electricity generation, making them suitable for applications like powering remote cabins, scientific research stations, or off-grid installations.

2. Mobile Applications: Photovoltaic cells have a distinct advantage in mobile applications where portability is essential. For example, solar panels can be used to power electric vehicles, boats, or RVs. This eliminates the need for carrying fuel or relying on charging stations, increasing the independence and versatility of the mobile application.

3. Environmental Sustainability: Photovoltaic cells generate electricity from sunlight, making it a clean and renewable energy source. As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability grow, photovoltaic cells provide an advantage over fossil fuel power sources that produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Using photovoltaic cells helps reduce carbon footprint, mitigate pollution, and contribute to a greener energy mix.

4. Reduced Operating Costs: Over the long term, photovoltaic cells can help reduce electricity costs. Once a solar panel system is installed, the energy generated is essentially free, unlike conventional power sources that require ongoing fuel or maintenance costs. Additionally, in certain regions, governments offer incentives such as tax credits or net-metering programs, further lowering the cost of implementing and operating photovoltaic systems.

By considering these factors, we can conclude that photovoltaic cells offer advantages in remote locations, mobile applications, environmental sustainability, and reduced operating costs compared to other sources of electric energy.