why are crimes unplanned that seems risky? Wouldn't it be easier to get caught if they are not planned?

Drugs and alcohol often play a large part in unplanned (or planned) crime. Crimes of passion plus the stupidity factor cause many crimes.

And yes -- I think that people who commit unplanned crimes are more easily caught.

Crimes can indeed be both planned and unplanned, and each has its own risks and benefits. While it might seem counterintuitive, unplanned crimes can sometimes occur due to impulsive actions or spur-of-the-moment decisions. The lack of planning can make these crimes riskier and increase the chances of getting caught. However, it's important to understand that not all criminals engage in rational decision-making. Here are a few factors that may contribute to unplanned crimes:

1. Opportunity: Criminals may seize an unexpected opportunity when it presents itself, such as an unlocked door or a valuable item left unattended. The allure of quick financial gain or other motivations may lead them to act without a proper plan.

2. Emotional factors: Strong emotions, such as anger or desperation, can sometimes override logical thinking. In these cases, the criminal may act impulsively without considering the potential consequences.

3. Lack of experience or knowledge: Criminals with limited experience or knowledge may not possess the skills to plan an elaborate crime. Instead, they rely on opportunistic actions that require minimal preparation.

While these crimes may offer some advantages, such as avoiding the need to gather resources or information beforehand, they can also carry increased risks. The lack of planning can result in leaving behind evidence or witnesses that can assist law enforcement in their investigation. Additionally, an impulsive crime may be more easily connected to the perpetrator due to a lack of forethought in covering their tracks.

It's important to note that criminal behavior is complex, and not all crimes follow the pattern of being unplanned. Many criminals do engage in careful planning to minimize their chances of being caught. Law enforcement agencies are continually working to understand criminal behavior and develop strategies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes.