In river valley civilizations, permanent settlements were stable, but were more vulnerable to attack to natural disasters, which ruined crops. This created a need for

1) skilled hunters and gatherers
2) warriors to specialize in defense, and religion to intercede with natural spirits

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It would be difficult for skilled hunters and gatherers to supply all the food a permanent settlement would need.

To understand the role of skilled hunters and gatherers, warriors, and religion in river valley civilizations, we need to look at the challenges they faced and how these roles helped address them.

River valley civilizations were primarily located near rivers, such as the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Indus, and Huang He (Yellow River). These rivers provided fertile land for agriculture, which led to the development of permanent settlements. However, these civilizations were also exposed to certain vulnerabilities.

1) Skilled hunters and gatherers: While agriculture provided a stable food source, it was still important to supplement it with hunting and gathering. Hunting provided an additional source of meat, while gathering helped gather fruits, nuts, and other edible plants. Skilled hunters and gatherers played a crucial role in ensuring a diverse and sufficient food supply for the community. Their expertise in tracking and catching prey, as well as identifying edible plants, helped mitigate the risk of crop failures or other food shortages.

2) Warriors for defense: River valley civilizations were prone to attacks from neighboring communities, as well as invasions from outside forces. The presence of warriors specialized in defense provided protection against these threats. They were responsible for building fortifications, developing defensive strategies, and effectively utilizing weapons and military tactics to safeguard the settlements. Warriors played a crucial role in maintaining security and ensuring the survival of the community in the face of external aggression.

3) Religion and natural spirits: River valley civilizations often had a deep reverence for nature and the spiritual realm. They believed in the existence of natural spirits and gods governing natural phenomena like floods, storms, and droughts. They recognized the influence of these supernatural beings on their daily lives, including their agricultural activities. Consequently, religious rituals and practices were developed to appease these spirits, seeking their favor and protection. Religion acted as a means of intercession with natural spirits, aimed at mitigating the impact of natural disasters like floods or droughts and safeguarding the crops from devastation.

In summary, the need for skilled hunters and gatherers, warriors specializing in defense, and elaborate religious practices were all rooted in the vulnerabilities faced by river valley civilizations. These roles helped address the risks posed by natural disasters, as well as external threats, ensuring the survival and stability of the settlements.