What pieces did Palestrina compose?

Here are some excellent sites on him.



I found some but thankyou...

He wrote: Sicut Cervus

Palestrina, whose full name was Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, was a renowned composer of the Renaissance period. He composed a wide range of musical works, primarily sacred choral music. Here are some important pieces attributed to Palestrina:

1. "Missa Papae Marcelli" (Pope Marcellus Mass): This is one of Palestrina's most famous works and is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance polyphony.

2. "Sicut Cervus": This motet (a short choral composition) is often considered one of Palestrina's finest compositions.

3. "Stabat Mater": A deeply emotional and meditative piece based on the Latin hymn describing the suffering of Mary during the crucifixion of Jesus.

4. "Missa Brevis": A shorter form of the Mass that Palestrina composed, characterized by its brevity and concise musical development.

5. "Missa Aeterna Christi Munera": Another celebrated Mass composition by Palestrina, known for its expressive melodies and intricate counterpoint.

To explore and learn more about Palestrina's works, you can refer to music archives, recordings, sheet music, music books, or websites specializing in Renaissance music. Many renowned classical music libraries and online platforms provide access to his compositions, giving you an opportunity to study and enjoy his work.