the teacher wants me to make a survey questions about a sample and get a statistical data from it, how? including variance and standard deveriation.


You can deal with such mundane topics as age, height, weight, hours of sleep or studying, or a variety of other factors for your survey.

The sample can be other students in your class, depending on what population you want to generalize to.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To create a survey and collect statistical data, including variance and standard deviation, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the Objective: Determine the purpose of your survey. What specific information or data do you want to gather? For example, if you want to collect data on people's opinions about a particular product, define the specific questions that will help you achieve that objective.

2. Design the Survey Questions: Create a set of clear and concise questions that align with your objective. Use both closed-ended questions (where respondents choose from predetermined answers) and open-ended questions (where respondents can provide their own unique responses). Ensure that your questions cover all aspects of your objective and are unbiased.

3. Determine Your Sample Size: Decide on the number of respondents you want to include in your survey. The larger the sample size, the more reliable your statistical data will be. Choose a sample size that is representative of the population you are targeting.

4. Collect Responses: Distribute your survey among your chosen sample. You can use various methods such as online survey platforms, email, paper questionnaires, or in-person interviews. Make sure to inform respondents about the purpose of the survey and assure them of data confidentiality.

5. Enter the Data: Once you have collected the responses, enter the data into a dataset. Use a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to organize and analyze the data.

6. Calculate Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation: To calculate the mean (average), variance, and standard deviation, you can use Excel or similar software. Enter the data and use the appropriate formulas:

- To calculate the mean: Use the AVERAGE function in Excel, e.g., =AVERAGE(data range).
- To calculate the variance: Use the VAR.P function in Excel, e.g., =VAR.P(data range).
- To calculate the standard deviation: Use the STDEV.P function in Excel, e.g., =STDEV.P(data range).

Make sure to adjust the "data range" to fit your specific dataset.

7. Interpret the Results: Once you have calculated the mean, variance, and standard deviation, interpret the results in the context of your survey objective. The mean represents the average response, while the variance and standard deviation indicate the spread or dispersion of the data points.

Remember, statistical data analysis requires careful data collection, accurate calculations, and thoughtful interpretation to draw meaningful conclusions.