
can anyone help me? my problem is that i need to write a autobiography about the "LIFE CYCLE OF ROCKS". andf i have no idea how to start it.....plz help me....its urgent....give me some clues how to start !!!!


You'll first need to decide whether you're going to write about igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks.

Then study this site.


An autobiography usually starts at birth and continues, in chronological order, to give the details of the life.

thanks everyone !!!!

Of course, I'd be happy to help you get started on writing an autobiography about the "Life Cycle of Rocks." Here are some clues to help you begin:

1. Introduction: Start by introducing yourself as the "author" of the autobiography. Provide a brief background about your interest in geology, especially in studying the life cycle of rocks. Explain why you find it fascinating and why you've chosen to write about it.

2. Personal Connection: Share a personal connection you have with rocks and how they have played a significant role in your life. Maybe you have always been intrigued by the diverse formations you see during hikes or have collected rocks since childhood.

3. Define the Life Cycle: Give a general overview and definition of the life cycle of rocks. Explain that rocks undergo various stages of formation, transformation, and eventual erosion or deposition, leading to the creation of new rocks.

4. Formation: Describe the initial stage of rock formation, focusing on how different types of rocks are created, be it igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Consider mentioning geological processes such as volcanism, weathering, or the geological timescale.

5. Transformation: Discuss how rocks can undergo transformation from one type to another. Explain how pressures, temperatures, and chemical compositions can influence metamorphism and the changes that occur during the transformation.

6. Erosion and Deposition: Highlight the role of erosion, transportation, and deposition in the life cycle of rocks. Talk about how weathering and the action of wind, water, and ice break down rocks, carrying the sediments to new locations where they accumulate and eventually form sedimentary rocks.

7. Rock Recycling: Emphasize that the life cycle of rocks is a continuous process of recycling. Discuss how the Earth's tectonic plates, along with other geological forces, recycle rocks over millions of years, creating a dynamic Earth.

8. Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the autobiography, emphasizing the significance of understanding the life cycle of rocks, both for geological studies and the planet's history. You can also express your personal reflections on what you have learned or hope to further explore.

Remember, an autobiography is about your personal experiences and perspective, so feel free to incorporate your own anecdotes, observations, and thoughts about the life cycle of rocks throughout the writing process. Good luck with your autobiography!