In the final step of DNA extraction from E. Coli bacteria, we used ethanol so that the DNA would precipitate.

Why is it that DNA precipitates in ethanol, and not in water? Both of them are polar solvents, and so is DNA. So why doesn't water make DNA precipitate?

DNA precipitates in ethanol but not in water due to the solubility differences between ethanol and water. Although both ethanol and water are polar solvents, their varying polarity strengths affect the solubility of different substances.

DNA is a large, negatively charged molecule due to its phosphate backbone. Ethanol, being a less polar solvent compared to water, is less capable of effectively hydrating or stabilizing the charged phosphate groups. This causes the DNA to lose its solubility in ethanol and come out of solution, forming a visible precipitate.

On the other hand, water is a highly polar solvent and can effectively interact with the charged phosphate groups of DNA, keeping it in solution. Since the interactions between DNA and water are stronger than with ethanol, DNA remains soluble in water and does not precipitate.

To summarize, the difference in polarity between ethanol and water affects their ability to interact with and stabilize the charged phosphate groups of DNA, leading to precipitation in ethanol but not in water.

DNA precipitates in ethanol because of the difference in their polarity and the effect it has on the solubility of DNA. While both ethanol and water are polar solvents, ethanol has a higher hydrophobicity compared to water.

To understand why DNA prefers to precipitate in ethanol rather than water, we need to consider the chemical structure of DNA. DNA is composed of a phosphate backbone and nucleotide bases, and it contains hydrophobic regions due to the aromatic rings present in the bases. These hydrophobic regions are attracted to other hydrophobic substances, such as the ethyl group in ethanol.

In water, the polar nature of the solvent causes the water molecules to form a hydrating shell around the DNA molecules. This hydration layer helps to stabilize the DNA molecules and keeps them in solution. As a result, DNA remains soluble in water and does not precipitate.

On the other hand, when ethanol is added to the solution, it competes with water molecules for interaction with the DNA. Ethanol molecules are less polar than water and have a lower water solubility. As a result, the ethanol molecules disrupt the hydration layer around the DNA, causing the DNA to become less soluble in the mixture. The hydrophobic regions of the DNA are attracted to the hydrophobic ethyl group in ethanol, leading to the precipitation of DNA as visible strands or clumps.

In summary, DNA does not precipitate in water due to the stabilizing effect of the hydration layer, which keeps the DNA in solution. However, DNA precipitates in ethanol because ethanol disrupts the hydration layer, making DNA less soluble and enabling hydrophobic interactions between DNA and ethanol molecules.