You may enter, but you may not come in. You may look through my windows and see nothing outside. I have space, but no room. I have keys, but open no lock.What am I?

The answer to the riddle "You may enter, but you may not come in. You may look through my windows and see nothing outside. I have space, but no room. I have keys, but open no lock. What am I?" is a keyboard.

To understand this, let's break down the clues:

1. "You may enter, but you may not come in" - This refers to the fact that you can enter words or commands using a keyboard, but physically you cannot step inside it.

2. "You may look through my windows and see nothing outside" - The "windows" of a keyboard are the empty spaces between the keys. When you look through them, you don't see anything as they are empty.

3. "I have space, but no room" - This clue refers to the spacebar on a keyboard, which provides space between words but doesn't actually have a physical room.

4. "I have keys, but open no lock" - A keyboard has keys, but these keys do not open locks like a key would typically do. They are used for typing and inputting information.

By combining all these clues, the answer to the riddle is a keyboard.