draw a rash and crash

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to draw. However, I can provide explanations and information about rashes and crashes.

A rash is a noticeable change in the texture or color of the skin. It can appear as red, itchy, bumpy, or swollen patches on the skin. Rashes have various causes, such as allergies, irritants, infections, or underlying health conditions. To draw a rash, you would need artistic skills and tools like paper and drawing materials.

On the other hand, a crash refers to a sudden and significant failure or malfunction of a system, device, or vehicle. It could be a car crash, a computer crash, or any other situation where a sudden collision, failure, or breakdown occurs. Drawing a crash could also require artistic skills, and you would need to visualize the elements involved in a crash, such as vehicles, objects, or impacts.

If you are looking to create visual representations of a rash or a crash, I would suggest using appropriate artistic mediums like paints, pencils, or digital drawing software. You can find tutorials and references online to help you with the specific details and techniques needed to draw these subjects accurately.