What does a magician do when he walks to the edge of a cliff?

dies or brakes all his bones

he would do a spell that would make him not get hurt ofcourse. after all he is a magician! he can't get hurt like humans.

When a magician walks to the edge of a cliff, he performs a trick known as the "Dangling Man" or "Levitation" trick. This illusion creates the illusion that the magician is floating or suspended in mid-air, defying gravity and producing a sense of awe and wonder in the audience.

To accomplish this trick, the magician employs several techniques:

1. Secret Support: The magician may be wearing concealed harnesses or harnesses that blend with their clothing, providing hidden support that keeps them suspended in the air.

2. Invisible Platform: The magician could be standing on a platform that is cleverly disguised, making it appear as if they are standing directly on the edge of the cliff.

3. Optical Illusions: The magician may utilize optical illusions, such as mirrors or angled surfaces, to create the illusion that they are floating.

4. Misdirection: The magician may divert the audience's attention away from the mechanics of the trick by using gestures, props, or distracting dialogue.

It's essential to note that magicians are highly skilled performers who have spent years perfecting their craft. They use a combination of sleight of hand, misdirection, and illusion techniques to create seemingly impossible feats. The key to appreciating their performances lies in being aware that they are skilled entertainers who excel at creating illusions rather than actually defying the laws of physics.