Compare the character in the song, "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin" to the character in the song, "Busted" by Ray Charles.

Both of these songs are great, aren't they? I'm partial to George Gershwin and Porgy & Bess. The character in "I Got Plenty O'Nuttin'" is upbeat and positive. He may also be "busted" but he's happy with what he does have - his gal, love and song.

In contrast, the character in "Busted" has little or nothing as well, but he's more negative and unhappy.

Neither one has very good grammar, although the character in "Busted" has had more "larning."

Actually, what we have here is one character with the "glass half full" and the other with the "glass half empty."

What do YOU think? :)


I think you are absolutely right. Thank you.

To compare the character in the song "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin" to the character in the song "Busted" by Ray Charles, we'll need to analyze the lyrics of both songs and examine the traits and situations of the characters presented.

1. "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin":
"I Got Plenty O' Nuttin" is a popular song from the opera "Porgy and Bess" by George Gershwin. The character described in the song is Porgy, who is a poor African American man living in Catfish Row, a fictional community in Charleston, South Carolina. The lyrics express Porgy's contentment with his simple life, despite having no material possessions or wealth. He emphasizes that even though he owns nothing, he is happy and satisfied because he values what he does have, including love and a strong sense of community.

Key traits and themes: Contentment with little, finding happiness in non-material things, strong sense of community.

2. "Busted" by Ray Charles:
"Busted" is a song originally written by Harlan Howard, but Ray Charles popularized it with his soulful rendition. The character described in the song is a person who is struggling with financial hardship and constantly facing setbacks in life. The lyrics paint a picture of someone who works hard but can never seem to catch a break. The character laments their fate, feeling trapped in a cycle of poverty and constantly being "busted," or financially broke.

Key traits and themes: Financial hardship, continuous setbacks, frustration with circumstances.

By comparing the characters from the two songs, we can see that while both characters face challenges and a lack of material wealth, their attitudes and perspectives differ. Porgy in "I Got Plenty O' Nuttin" maintains a positive outlook, finding contentment in non-material aspects of life, such as love and community. On the other hand, the character in "Busted" by Ray Charles expresses frustration and a sense of being trapped in a cycle of poverty.

Remember that comparing characters in songs requires listening to and analyzing the lyrics, understanding the context of the songs, and interpreting the emotions and themes conveyed. Studying the lyrics, researching the background of the songs and their respective artists, and analyzing the characters' traits and situations will help you draw meaningful comparisons.