wut's a goon to a goblin??

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P.S. A good dictionary will give you the definitions:

Main Entry: goon
Pronunciation: 'gün
Function: noun
Etymology: probably short for English dialect gooney (simpleton)
Date: 1921
1 : a stupid person
2 : a man hired to terrorize or eliminate opponents

Main Entry: gob·lin
Pronunciation: 'gäb-l&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gobelin, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin gobelinus, ultimately from Greek kobalos rogue
Date: 14th century
: an ugly or grotesque sprite that is mischievous and sometimes evil and malicious

Now, compare the definitions and what do you have?


The phrase "What's a goon to a goblin?" is actually a line from the song "No Church in the Wild" by Jay-Z and Kanye West. It is meant to emphasize the insignificance or irrelevance of one person or thing compared to another. It implies that a goon (a slang term for a hired henchman or an armed thug) is nothing compared to a goblin (a mythical creature known for its mischievous and often malicious behavior).

However, it's important to note that the phrase is open to interpretation, and its meaning can vary depending on the context. In the song, it may be used metaphorically to reflect power dynamics, dominance, or the struggle for survival.

If you came across this phrase outside of the song, it might be used in a similar context of asserting superiority or dismissing someone's importance. In general, it's a rhetorical question that highlights the notion of something being relatively insignificant or meaningless in comparison to something else.