Assignment: Community Foundations Paper

Resources: Chapter 13 (pp. 174-79) in Financial Management for Human Service Administrators
Due Date: Day 7 (post to your Individual Forum)
Identify a community foundation in your area.
Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper describing the organization ad the projects it supports.
Format using APA guidelines (a sample paper which provides directions is posted in the course materials forum.)
Post as an Attachment.

To find a community foundation in your area, Google >> (name of town/city) community foundation.

To complete this assignment, you will need to follow these steps:

Before starting the paper, you need to identify a community foundation in your area. Here's how you can do that:

1. Begin by conducting an online search using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. You can use keywords like "community foundation + [your area/city name]."
2. Look for local directories or nonprofit databases specific to your area that may list community foundations. Websites like GuideStar, Idealist, or Charity Navigator can be helpful resources.
3. Check local newspapers or local government websites as they often publish information about community foundations or their projects.

Once you have identified a community foundation in your area, you can begin working on your paper. Follow these guidelines to structure and write the paper:

1. Introduction:
- Start with an introductory paragraph that provides an overview of community foundations and their importance in supporting local communities.

2. Background Information:
- Provide background information about the community foundation you selected, including its history, mission, and vision.
- Explain the geographic area the foundation serves and any specific demographics it focuses on.

3. Projects and Programs:
- Describe the various projects and programs the community foundation supports. Provide specific examples of initiatives, events, or campaigns.
- Explain how these projects align with the foundation's mission and benefit the community.
- Include information about the target population or issues addressed by these projects.

4. Partnerships and Collaborations:
- Discuss any partnerships or collaborations the community foundation engages in to achieve its goals.
- Highlight any relationships with other nonprofits, government agencies, or businesses.
- Explain how these partnerships enhance the impact of the community foundation's work.

5. Evaluation and Impact:
- Discuss the methods the community foundation uses to evaluate the effectiveness of its projects and programs.
- Provide examples of the foundation's impact on the community, such as statistics or success stories.
- Comment on any challenges or limitations the foundation faces in achieving its goals.

6. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points discussed in the paper.
- Provide a final assessment of the community foundation's overall impact and importance in your community.

7. APA Formatting:
- Format your paper using APA guidelines, including a title page, running head, page numbers, in-text citations, and a reference page.
- Include proper citations for any sources you have used throughout the paper.

Remember, the suggested word count for this paper is between 700 to 1,050 words.

Once you have completed the paper, save it as a document and then make a post to your individual forum, attaching the document as your submission.

Please refer to Chapter 13 (pp. 174-179) of the book "Financial Management for Human Service Administrators" for additional information and resources. Additionally, you can also use the APA sample paper provided in the course materials forum as a guideline for formatting.