A healthful diet and regular exercise will not only improve health but also lower health care cost.

What kinds of supporting paragraphs (examples, details, definitions, analysis, division and classification, process analysis, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, argument) are appropriate to support this topic.

Your supporting arguments should include analysis, cause-effect, details (such as statistics).

I would look for two major arguments.

1. Statistics that show that a healthful diet and regular exercise improves individual health. You'd also need to define what health is.

2. Statistics that show that a healthful diet and regular exercise lowers health care costs.

Thank you

You're welcome.

To support the statement that a healthful diet and regular exercise will not only improve health but also lower health care costs, different types of supporting paragraphs can be used. Here are some examples:

1. Examples: providing specific instances of individuals or communities who have benefited from a healthful diet and regular exercise by improving their health and reducing healthcare costs.

2. Details: offering specific details about the health benefits and cost savings associated with a healthful diet and regular exercise. This could include information on reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved mental health, and lower medical expenses.

3. Definitions: explaining key terms related to a healthful diet and exercise, such as the concept of a balanced diet, recommendations for nutrient intake, and different types of exercises that can contribute to overall well-being.

4. Analysis: analyzing studies and research conducted on the relationship between diet, exercise, and health care costs. This might involve examining data on healthcare utilization, cost of treatments, and savings achieved through preventive measures.

5. Division and classification: categorizing the different components of a healthful diet and various types of physical activities to highlight their benefits and their impact on health care costs. For instance, classifying different exercise types based on their cardiovascular or strength-building benefits.

6. Process analysis: explaining step-by-step how individuals can adopt a healthful diet and exercise routine, including tips for meal planning, incorporating physical activity into daily routines, and managing potential obstacles.

7. Comparison-contrast: comparing the health outcomes and healthcare costs associated with individuals who follow a healthful diet and exercise regimen versus those who do not. This helps establish the advantages of the former approach.

8. Cause-effect: exploring the cause-and-effect relationship between a healthful diet, exercise, and reduced healthcare costs. This could involve discussing how improved nutrition and physical activity can prevent or manage chronic diseases, leading to lower medical expenses.

9. Argument: making a persuasive case for the importance of a healthful diet and exercise in improving health and reducing healthcare costs. This includes presenting evidence, providing logical reasoning, and addressing potential counterarguments.

Depending on the specific points you want to emphasize, these types of supporting paragraphs can be used individually or in combination to build a comprehensive argument.