I need to construct a 75 degree angle. I was thinking I could get a 45 degree angle by drawing a right angle and bisecting it, but I'm not really sure on how to get a 30 degree angle. Am I going about this wrong?

Never mind, I think I got it. :)

A 45 degree angle is 3, 15 degree angles. Divide the 45 by 3 = 15.

So, make a 45 degree angle & add...


Constructing a 75 degree angle can be achieved by using a combination of a 45 degree angle and a 30 degree angle. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Start by drawing a line segment, which will act as the base for your angles.
2. To construct a 45 degree angle, use a protractor to measure and mark a point on the line segment that is equidistant from both endpoints.
3. Use a compass to draw an arc from one endpoint of the line segment, intersecting it with the line segment at one of the marked points.
4. Without changing the compass width, draw another arc from the other endpoint of the line segment, intersecting it with the line segment at the second marked point.
5. Draw a line connecting the two marked points where the arcs intersect with the line segment. This line creates a 45 degree angle with the base.

Now, to construct a 30 degree angle:

6. Using the same procedures as before, mark a point on the line segment that is equidistant from both endpoints, just like in step 2.
7. Set the width of the compass to the distance between one of the endpoints and the marked point.
8. Place the compass at the marked point and draw an arc that intersects the line segment.
9. Without changing the compass width, place the compass tip on the original endpoint and draw another arc that intersects the first arc you created.
10. Draw a line connecting the second arc's intersection point with the original endpoint. This line represents a 30 degree angle with the base.

By combining the 45 degree angle from step 5 and the 30 degree angle from step 10, you can create a 75 degree angle.