Describe the Puritians. What were their beliefs? Why did they leave England? What did they accomplish in the new world?


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I know that they left englang seeking religious freedom. Also that they believed that everything should be guided by the b1bl3

That's a good start.

They left England because they wanted relgious freedom. They hoped to gain the freedom to worship as they pleased in the New World.

You should also think about the Puritans in the religous context of England at the time (mid 16C) as they were non-conformists.


also remember that there are two groups, Puritans, and more religiously zealous puritains called Seperatists. The Seperatists were the puritans who went to the new world (america) and founded Massachusettes to create a land of religious oppurtunity and purity.

The Puritans were a group of English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to purify the Church of England from what they saw as remnants of Catholicism. Here's how you can find information about the Puritans' beliefs, reasons for leaving England, and their accomplishments in the New World:

1. Research Puritan beliefs:
- Start by looking up books, articles, or reliable online sources about Puritan theology and doctrines.
- Some key beliefs of the Puritans include a strict adherence to the Bible, predestination, the pursuit of a holy life, a focus on community, and the rejection of elaborate rituals and ceremonies.

2. Study the reasons for their migration:
- Investigate the historical events and religious climate of the time. Key factors that drove Puritans to leave England include religious persecution, conflicts with the Church of England, and a desire for religious freedom.
- Look for texts or historical accounts that provide insights into Puritans' motivations, such as personal diaries, letters, or governmental records.

3. Explore their accomplishments in the New World:
- Read about the establishment of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies, where many Puritans settled.
- Look for sources that discuss Puritan society, governance, and the influence of their religious beliefs on their daily lives.
- Investigate the Puritans' role in shaping early American culture, including their impact on education, literature, and the legal system.

Remember, for more detailed and nuanced information, it is always best to consult reputable sources and scholarly works on the Puritans. These steps will help guide you in finding reliable information on their beliefs, reasons for leaving England, and their accomplishments in the New World.