In the below table, which country has the least equal distribution of income? The most equal distribution?

Percent of Income
Quintile A B C
20 8.5 10.2 2.3
40 10.1 15.2 6.1
60 12.5 18.3 12.3
80 15.1 23.1 18.1
100 53.8 33.2 61.2

If you tried to copy/paste.... it didn't come through.

Percent of Income

Quintile A B C
20 8.5 10.2 2.3
40 10.1 15.2 6.1
60 12.5 18.3 12.3
80 15.1 23.1 18.1
100 53.8 33.2 61.2

In the below table, which country has the least equal distribution of income? The most equal distribution?

Percent of Income
Quintile A B C
20 8.5 10.2 2.3
40 10.1 15.2 6.1
60 12.5 18.3 12.3
80 15.1 23.1 18.1
100 53.8 33.2 61.2

First, I suggest you do a little research on lorenz curves and gini coefficients. Here is a start:

To solve this problem, first convert your percent distributions into cumulative percent distributions. So, for example, the values for series A would be 8.8. 18.6, 31.1, 46.2, 100.0
Next graph your three series; these are lorenz cuvers. The curve that is closest to a 45-degree line is represents the most equal distribution; The most equitable is series B, the least equitale is series C.

thank you very much!

To determine which country has the least equal distribution of income and which has the most equal distribution, we can analyze the data from the table.

First, let's compare the countries in terms of the income distribution within each quintile.

Country A:
- In the 20th quintile, the percentage of income is 8.5%
- In the 40th quintile, the percentage of income is 10.1%
- In the 60th quintile, the percentage of income is 12.5%
- In the 80th quintile, the percentage of income is 15.1%
- In the 100th quintile, the percentage of income is 53.8%

Country B:
- In the 20th quintile, the percentage of income is 10.2%
- In the 40th quintile, the percentage of income is 15.2%
- In the 60th quintile, the percentage of income is 18.3%
- In the 80th quintile, the percentage of income is 23.1%
- In the 100th quintile, the percentage of income is 33.2%

Country C:
- In the 20th quintile, the percentage of income is 2.3%
- In the 40th quintile, the percentage of income is 6.1%
- In the 60th quintile, the percentage of income is 12.3%
- In the 80th quintile, the percentage of income is 18.1%
- In the 100th quintile, the percentage of income is 61.2%

To determine the country with the least equal distribution of income, we should look for the country where the highest percentage of income is concentrated in the 100th quintile (highest income group). From the data, we can see that in Country C, 61.2% of the income is in the 100th quintile, which indicates a significant income disparity.

To determine the country with the most equal distribution of income, we should look for the country where the highest percentage of income is evenly distributed across the quintiles. From the data, Country A seems to have the most equal distribution as it has the lowest percentage of income in the 100th quintile and the highest percentage in the lower quintiles.

Therefore, from the given data, Country C has the least equal distribution of income, while Country A has the most equal distribution of income.