what are the 10 persuaded techniques

Check these sites for persuasion techniques.


Here is a whole page of useful persuasive techniques. Be sure to check the first 5 sites:


The term "persuasion techniques" refers to the strategies and tactics used to influence someone's thoughts, opinions, or behaviors. While there are numerous techniques, here are 10 commonly recognized ones:

1. Reciprocity: The technique of giving something initially to create a sense of obligation in the recipient.

2. Authority: Citing an expert or someone considered an authority figure to convince others of a particular viewpoint.

3. Social proof: Using evidence or examples of other people's actions or beliefs to persuade someone to adopt the same perspective.

4. Scarcity: Creating a sense of urgency or limited availability to make something more desirable.

5. Consistency: Encouraging someone to stay consistent with their previous actions or statements to gain their agreement.

6. Emotional appeal: Using emotions like fear, happiness, or anger to influence someone's decision-making process.

7. Neutralizing objections: Addressing and countering potential objections or doubts the other person may have.

8. Framing: Presenting information in a way that influences the perception of the recipient.

9. Storytelling: Engaging the recipient by using narratives or personal anecdotes that evoke emotions and convey a message.

10. Repetition: Repeatedly emphasizing key points or messages to increase their memorability and acceptance.

It's important to note that while these techniques exist, the ethical use of persuasion techniques focuses on creating genuine understanding and agreement rather than manipulating or deceiving others.