I need help to find more information about the computer service bureau Can anyone help me? What do I need to look under? The question I have to answer is "When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the phyician?"

To find more information about the computer service bureau and its practices, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an internet search using search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Enter relevant keywords such as "computer service bureau," "data erasure," and "record destruction."

2. Browse through the search results and look for reliable sources such as government websites, industry-specific publications, or reputable organizations that provide information on computer service bureaus.

3. Check professional associations or trade organizations related to healthcare or information technology. They may have resources or guidelines that address the specific question you need to answer.

4. Investigate legal and regulatory requirements related to record destruction and data erasure. Look for information specific to the healthcare industry, as it may have additional guidelines or regulations pertaining to physician records.

5. Consider searching academic databases or scholarly journals, as there may be research papers or case studies available that discuss the best practices or recommendations in the context of computer service bureaus and record erasure verification.

Ultimately, the answer to your question about whether the erasure should be verified by the bureau to the physician might require you to analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources. It may be beneficial to consult with your colleagues, industry professionals, or subject matter experts for their insights and knowledge on the topic.