What is a puja tray

Check these sites to see how a puja tray is used in Hindu worship.

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A puja tray, also known as a puja thali, is a tray or plate used in Hindu religious ceremonies. It holds various items that are used during the puja, which is a ritualistic worship practice. The puja tray is typically circular in shape and either made of metal, such as copper or silver, or decorated with colorful designs.

To get more details about a puja tray, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a basic search on the internet using a search engine like Google. Type in keywords such as "What is a puja tray?" or "Puja tray definition."

2. Look for reliable sources such as websites that provide information about Hindu rituals, culture, or practices. Government-funded websites, educational institutions, or recognized religious organizations can be good sources of information.

3. Once you've found a relevant source, read the article or webpage to understand the description and significance of a puja tray in Hindu worship. Pay attention to any special features, materials used, or items placed on the tray during a puja.

4. You can also look for images of puja trays to get a visual representation of what they look like and how they are used. Image search results or online marketplaces that sell puja items can provide you with pictures of different types of puja trays.

Remember to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.