Pleae evaluate this argument would you say it is an a good strong inductive argument.

An argument the author is making is that regular exercise and a good diet will help reduce excess weight

Yes. This is a strong inductive argument.

To evaluate whether the argument is a good strong inductive argument, we need to consider the components of an inductive argument.

1. Premises: These are the statements that provide the evidence or support for the conclusion. In this case, the premises would be "regular exercise" and "a good diet."

2. Conclusion: This is the claim that the premises are intended to support. The conclusion of this argument is "regular exercise and a good diet will help reduce excess weight."

3. Strength: A strong inductive argument is one where the truth of the premises makes the conclusion highly probable, but not necessarily certain.

In order to evaluate this argument, we need to assess the premises and see if they are reasonable and supported by evidence. The argument assumes that regular exercise and a good diet contribute to reducing excess weight, which is widely accepted and supported by scientific studies. However, the argument does not provide specific references or data to back up the claim.

To properly evaluate the strength of this argument, we would need to consider additional factors, such as the reliability and quality of the evidence supporting the premises. It would be beneficial to consult reputable sources, scientific studies, or expert opinions for more concrete evidence.

In summary, without specific evidence to support the premises, we cannot definitively determine if the argument is a good strong inductive argument. However, the general premise that regular exercise and a good diet help reduce excess weight is widely accepted.