The most useful indicator of degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a

a) civilian government
b) formal method whereby people can effect changes in government policy
c) system of government checks and balances
d) system of liberal and humane courts
e) two-house legislature

Please read the answers that Writeacher and I posted earlier.

It is not E (the state of Nebraska has a unicameral legislature by the way). A through D are all pretty important sounding, though. What is the exact name of the class for which you are doing this?

The most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society can be a subjective matter. However, among the options mentioned, the answer that comes closest to capturing the essence of democracy is option c) system of government checks and balances.

To determine the degree of democracy in a society, we need to consider multiple factors and indicators. Here's a breakdown of each option and how it relates to democracy:

a) Civilian government: A civilian government refers to a government that is controlled by elected officials rather than military or autocratic leaders. While having a civilian government is an important aspect of democracy, it alone does not guarantee a high degree of democracy.

b) Formal method of effecting changes in government policy: A formal method of effecting changes in government policy involves providing opportunities for citizen participation, such as elections, referendums, and public consultations. This is indeed a crucial element of democracy, as it ensures that people have a say in the decisions that affect them. However, this indicator alone does not encompass the full scope of democracy.

c) System of government checks and balances: Democracy is reinforced by a system of government checks and balances. This means that power is distributed among different branches or institutions, such as the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, which have the ability to check and balance each other. This ensures that no single entity becomes too powerful, and that governmental decisions are subject to scrutiny and accountability.

d) System of liberal and humane courts: Having a system of liberal and humane courts is important for upholding the rule of law and protecting individual rights and liberties. While this is a crucial aspect of democracy, it is not the sole indicator of the overall degree of democracy reached by a society.

e) Two-house legislature: A two-house legislature, typically consisting of a lower house and an upper house, serves as a mechanism for representing different segments of society and providing checks and balances within the legislative branch. While it is an important democratic institution, it is not the definitive indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a society.

In summary, while each of the options mentioned plays a role in democracy, the system of government checks and balances (option c) is generally considered to be the most useful indicator in determining the degree of democracy achieved by a society. This system ensures that power is distributed and that no single entity becomes too dominant, fostering accountability and preventing potential abuses of power.