design and implement such a function and use it in a program called part3.c that allows someone to enter two real numbers and an epsilon value (also a real number) and reports if the two numbers are equal (+/- epsilon) or not.

If you were asked this question, how would you try to understand this question;

This is how I looked at it;

I'm asked for two real numbers and an epsilon number.

for example, 5 and 6. epsilon is then 2.

So when I compile my program, my program will do this: 5+2 and 5-2 which is 7 and 3

and 6+2 and 6-2 which is 8 and 4.

Then the result I would have program say would be: No, this is not equal.

Am I reading this right, please help

Write C++ program using if-else-if statement to calculate Income Tax, pension, total deduction and net payment of an employees. The program is expected to accept salary of an employee as input and displays income tax, pension, total deduction and net payment of a salary as output. Use 6% of Basic salary to compute pension. Use the following information for tax

Yes, you are on the right track, but let's break down the problem and its requirements step by step to fully understand it:

1. The task is to design and implement a function that takes two real numbers (let's call them number1 and number2) as inputs, along with an epsilon value. The function should then determine if the two numbers are equal within a tolerance of +/- epsilon.

2. To check if two numbers are equal within a tolerance, you need to compare the absolute difference between the two numbers with the epsilon value. If the absolute difference is less than or equal to epsilon, then the two numbers are considered equal (+/- epsilon), otherwise, they are not equal.

Now, let's dive into the implementation of this function in your program called part3.c:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

// Function to check if two numbers are equal within a tolerance
int checkEqualityWithEpsilon(double number1, double number2, double epsilon) {
double difference = fabs(number1 - number2);

// Check if the absolute difference is less than or equal to epsilon
if (difference <= epsilon) {
return 1; // Numbers are equal (+/- epsilon)
} else {
return 0; // Numbers are not equal

int main() {
double num1, num2, epsilon;

// Get input from the user
printf("Enter the first number: ");
scanf("%lf", &num1);

printf("Enter the second number: ");
scanf("%lf", &num2);

printf("Enter the epsilon value: ");
scanf("%lf", &epsilon);

// Call the checkEqualityWithEpsilon function and display the result
if (checkEqualityWithEpsilon(num1, num2, epsilon)) {
printf("The two numbers are equal within the specified tolerance.\n");
} else {
printf("The two numbers are not equal within the specified tolerance.\n");

return 0;

In this program, the `checkEqualityWithEpsilon` function accepts the two numbers (number1 and number2) and the epsilon value as parameters. It calculates the absolute difference between the numbers and checks if it is less than or equal to epsilon. If so, it returns 1 (indicating equality), otherwise, it returns 0.

After getting the input values (number1, number2, and epsilon) from the user, the `main` function calls the `checkEqualityWithEpsilon` function with the input values and displays the result based on the returned value.

You can compile and run this program to test it out with different input values.