The volume of a cube is 512 cm cubic.Find its surface area ?

Volume of a cube is caculated by

height x length x width...

since they are all equal, root 512 by 3, which would give you 8 cm.

to calculate its surface area, find the area of one side first then multiply that by 6, coz a cube has 6 sides.

hOW To find area of one side,Martin?can you give me the answer and reason

The length of each side is 8 cm, as derived by Martin, therefore the area of one side is 64 cm^2

To find the surface area of a cube, we first need to find the length of one side of the cube. Since the volume of the cube is given as 512 cm³, we can use the formula for the volume of a cube:

Volume of cube = (side length)³

So, in this case:

512 cm³ = (side length)³

To find the side length, we need to take the cube root of 512:

Cube root of 512 ≈ 8 cm

Now that we know the side length of the cube is 8 cm, we can find the surface area.

To calculate the surface area of a cube, we use the formula:

Surface area of cube = 6 * (side length)²

Plugging in the value for the side length, we have:

Surface area of cube = 6 * (8 cm)²
Surface area of cube = 6 * 64 cm²
Surface area of cube = 384 cm²

Therefore, the surface area of the cube is 384 cm².