a little three square root 4/ little 6 root 16. the answer is one. how do i get that?

4^(1/3) / 16^(1/6)

well 16 = 4^2
so 16^(1/6) = (4^2)^1/6) = 4^(1/3)
you have 4^(1/3) / 4^(1/3) = 1

got it, thanks damon!

To solve this problem, you need to simplify the expression by taking the cube root and the sixth root individually. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the expression: ∛(4) ÷ ⁶√(16).
2. Simplify the numerator (the cube root of 4): ∛4 = 2.
3. Simplify the denominator (the sixth root of 16): ⁶√16 = 2.
4. Now, rewrite the expression using the simplified values: 2 ÷ 2.
5. Finally, divide the numerator by the denominator: 2 ÷ 2 = 1.

Therefore, the answer to the expression ∛(4) ÷ ⁶√(16) is 1.