What develops as a result of a surplus of gods allowing people to specializw in a particular trade or economic activity?

I suppose you mean GOODS not GODS.

Civilization develops when people specialize and produce a surplus of goods.

When there is a surplus of gods allowing people to specialize in a particular trade or economic activity, it often leads to the development of a complex society and economy. This is because when people have the luxury of focusing on specific professions, they can become more skilled and efficient in their chosen field, leading to advancement and specialization.

To better understand how this development occurs, we can examine the following steps:

1. Creation of diverse deities: In many ancient societies, gods were associated with various domains such as agriculture, craftsmanship, war, or trade. These gods would be worshipped and revered to gain their favor in specific areas.

2. Specialization in professions: As the perception of multiple gods grew, people began specializing in activities associated with specific deities. For example, a person might choose to become a farmer if a god was associated with agriculture or a blacksmith if a god was assigned to metals and craftsmanship.

3. Advancement in skills: With individuals dedicated to a particular trade, skills and knowledge in that domain would increase. Farmers would learn better cultivation techniques, blacksmiths would refine metalworking methods, and so on.

4. Economic growth: As specialization and expertise increased, it led to economic growth. Specialized individuals became more productive and efficient in their respective trades, resulting in the production of more goods and services.

5. Trade and exchange: With a surplus of goods and services from specialized trades, people could engage in trade and exchange. For example, a farmer could trade excess crops with a blacksmith in need of food in exchange for tools.

6. Development of complex society: As trade and economic activities expanded, it brought people together, resulting in the development of complex societies. Different professions would interact, and social structures would form to regulate trade, resolve disputes, and manage economic activities.

In summary, a surplus of gods allowing people to specialize in a particular trade or economic activity leads to the growth of skills, economic advancement, and the development of a complex society.