using kinetics explain:

a.the increasing of concentration of reactants increases the rate of reaction.
b.the addition of a catalyst increases the rate at which a reaction will take place.
c.and increase in temperature increases reaction rate.
d.a catalyst grounded into powder is more effective than the solid block.

These are thought questions. Let's hear your thoughts and we can offer suggestions.

c. the increase in temperature, increases the speed and energy of the collisions, causing the reaction to occur faster.

a. by increasing the concentration, there are more particles, which means they will collide more frequently causing a faster reaction.

Your answers to a and c look good.

b. The addition of a catalyst increases the rate of reaction because it offers the reaction an alternative path from reactants to products. Many reactions are slow because they have a high "activation energy"; that is, a high hump which the molecules must get over before the reaction will occur. The reaction is slow because most of the molecules don't have that energy to "get over the hump" so it proceeds slower. The catalyst lowers the activation energy (by providing the alternative path) and more molecules have that lower energy requirement. You can take this and redo it in your own words; this is too long an answer but it provides you with the information to distill it to one or two sentences.
d. A catalyst in poweder form gives MUCH more surface area than in solid block form. Catalyzed reactions often occur on the surface of the catalyst (that's where the alternative pathway comes into the picture) so more surface means more molecules can engage each other.

a. The increasing of concentration of reactants increases the rate of reaction because when the concentration of reactants is higher, there are more reactant particles present in a given volume. This increases the frequency of collisions between the reactant particles, increasing the likelihood of successful collisions and, therefore, the rate of reaction. To determine the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction, you can conduct experiments by varying the concentration of reactants and measuring the rate of reaction in each case.

b. The addition of a catalyst increases the rate at which a reaction will take place. A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction by providing an alternative pathway with lower activation energy. It does this by reducing the energy barrier for the reaction, making it easier for reactant particles to overcome and proceed to the product formation. To observe the effect of a catalyst on the rate of reaction, you can perform experiments comparing the reaction rate with and without a catalyst.

c. An increase in temperature increases the reaction rate because temperature affects the kinetic energy of the particles. As the temperature rises, the kinetic energy of the particles increases, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions between reactant particles. This increases the chances of successful collisions and, consequently, the rate of reaction. To study the impact of temperature on the reaction rate, experiments can be conducted at different temperature levels while keeping other factors constant.

d. A catalyst grounded into powder is more effective than a solid block because it has a greater surface area. When a catalyst is finely powdered, it provides a larger surface area for collisions to occur. This increased surface area enables more reactant particles to come into contact with the catalyst, enhancing the chances of successful collisions and the rate of reaction. To compare the effectiveness of a catalyst in different forms, you can conduct experiments using both powdered and solid block catalysts while monitoring the reaction rate.