What is the sum of all two digit positive integers whose squares

end with the digits 01?

To find the sum of all two-digit positive integers whose squares end with the digits 01, we first need to identify which two-digit numbers meet this criterion.

1. Start by listing all two-digit positive integers from 10 to 99, which includes numbers like 10, 11, 12, ..., 98, 99.

2. For each number, square it to determine its ending digits. For example, when you square 10, you get 100 (which does not end in 01), and when you square 11, you get 121 (which ends in 01).

3. Continue this process for all the two-digit numbers, identifying which ones have squared values ending in 01.

Once you have identified all the numbers that meet this criterion, add them together to find the sum.

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