please help me do having so much trouble ...i need to solve this problem in quadratic formula...


thank you so much for helping..if u can do this and help me then i can do the rest of my homework....i

This looks like a "prime" quadratic. With trial and error trying:

(-4t )(t )


(-2t )(t )

you cannot get it to work. So there are no "interger" solutions. You can use the famous "quadratic equation" to get an approximation. ARe you familiar with this?

this is a quadratic formula...i need to solve it using the quadratic formula!!

ok. I assume you know the quadratic formula. It is hard to write it here. In your example, a = -4, b = -9 and c = -3. So, when you plug these in, you end up with (9+sqrt43)/8 and


this is approx: 15.56/8 and 2.44/8. These are your 2 solutions.

woops...slight mistake.

It's actually: (9+sqrt33)/8 and

or 14.74/8 and 3.26/8.

-b = 9 all right

but 2a = -8
-b/2a = -9/8 not +

Of course, I'll be happy to help you solve the quadratic equation!

To solve the equation -4t^2 - 9t - 3 = 0 using the quadratic formula, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the coefficients of your quadratic equation.
In our equation, a = -4, b = -9, and c = -3.

Step 2: Plug the values into the quadratic formula.
The quadratic formula is: t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a).

Substituting the values from our equation, we get:
t = (-(-9) ± √((-9)^2 - 4(-4)(-3))) / (2(-4)).
Simplifying this expression gives us:
t = (9 ± √(81 - 48)) / -8.

Step 3: Simplify the expression inside the square root.
Calculating 81 - 48 gives us 33, so the expression becomes:
t = (9 ± √33) / -8.

Step 4: Calculate the two possible solutions for t.
To find the two potential values for t, we'll consider both the plus (+) and minus (-) signs:
t1 = (9 + √33) / -8
t2 = (9 - √33) / -8.

These are the solutions to the quadratic equation -4t^2 - 9t - 3 = 0.

Please note that the solutions might be either real numbers or complex numbers, depending on the discriminant (the value inside the square root). In this case, since √33 is an irrational number, the solutions are likely to be irrational as well.

I hope this explanation is helpful! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.