What are some good websites that will give information on education in third world countries?

Since third-world countries are now called developing countries, I searched for education developing countries and found these:


To find information on education in third world countries, here's how you can start:

1. UNESCO: Visit the website of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at www.unesco.org. UNESCO provides a wealth of information on various education-related topics, including reports, statistics, and resources related to global education, including third world countries.

2. World Bank Education: The World Bank has a dedicated section on education (www.worldbank.org/en/topic/education). It offers research, reports, and data on education in both developed and developing countries, including third world nations.

3. USAID Education: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) focuses on international development, including education. Explore their education webpage (www.usaid.gov/education) for information, initiatives, and reports on education in different regions, specifically in third world countries.

4. Global Partnership for Education: The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a prominent organization working towards global education development. Their website (www.globalpartnership.org) provides resources, reports, and updates on education projects in various countries, especially those in need.

5. Research and academic institutions: Look for reputable research and academic institutions with a specific focus on education in third world countries. Many universities and think tanks have research centers or programs dedicated to global education and may provide valuable insights and reports.

When exploring these websites, look for sections such as "publications," "reports," "data," or "resources" to find the specific information you're seeking.