# 3

is this correct

Question -- Va a llevar las sandalias Maria esta noche?

No, Maria ya llevo las sandalias etsa noche.

¡Ole! You nearly got it. Accents on María and llevó and check the spelling of esta.

No, María ya llevó las sandalias esta noche.


P.S. Anything else while I'm right here? :)

There seems to be a mistake in your answer. Let's break it down and find the correct response.

The question is: "Va a llevar las sandalias Maria esta noche?" (Is Maria going to wear the sandals tonight?)

Your answer: "No, Maria ya llevo las sandalias esta noche." (No, Maria already wore the sandals tonight.)

To correct this, we need to use the correct verb form and tense. The correct response should be:

No, Maria ya llevó las sandalias esta noche.