are these correct

Que hiciste ayer?

my answer YO huhica moas tarea

Adonde fuiste el sabado pasado?

My answer Estaba en las peliculas

Estuduante para tu clase de espanol anteayer?

My answer Estudie para la clase espanola ayer -- is it espanola or espanol?

¡Buenos Días! Accents! Remember, the word is wrong if the accent is not there!

¿Qué hiciste ayer? (accent)
I have no idea what "huhica" is but moas is probably "más." If you are trying to say the Preterit of hacer (I did) = hice. "Yo hice más tarea."

¿Adónde fuiste el sábado pasado? (2 accents)
Your answer I was in the films is not the best answer because the verb is "fuiste." = Where did you go. The better answer is "Fui a las películas." = I went to the movies (ir + a) (accent on películas)

Do you need a review of the Preterit? These 2 verbs are irregular.

hacer = hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron

ir/ser (same forms) = fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron


Oops! Trying to be sure it posted, I posted it twice. Sorry.

I missed your 3rd question. ¿Estudiaste para tu clase de español anteayer? (check spelling of a regular verb in the Preterit and the ñ)

Estudié para la clase de español ayer. (accent) The question asked about the day before yesterday and you answered with yesterday. Actually the answer could have been easier, using most of the same words from the question.

Because you are saying "de español" = of the Spanish language, that is how you say that. Now, if you wanted to say the Spanish class, and have Spanish modify class as an adjective = la clase española. You'd be best saying the first, as the question did.


The first question "Que hiciste ayer?" translates to "What did you do yesterday?" Let's break down your response: "YO hicema mas tarea." It seems that you made a typo in the verb conjugation. The correct way to say "I did more homework" in Spanish would be "Yo hice más tarea." So, the correct answer would be "Yo hice más tarea" or "I did more homework."

Moving on to the second question, "Adonde fuiste el sábado pasado?" translates to "Where did you go last Saturday?" Your response, "Estaba en las películas," means "I was at the movies." While this is a possible answer, the question asks specifically where you went, so it might be more appropriate to answer with the location you visited. For example, you could say "Fui al parque" (I went to the park) or "Fui a casa de un amigo" (I went to a friend's house).

Regarding the third question, "Estudiaste para la clase de español anteayer?" translates to "Did you study for Spanish class the day before yesterday?" You responded with "Estudie para la clase española ayer." The correct word to use here is "español" (masculine) instead of "española" (feminine). Therefore, the correct answer would be "Estudié para la clase de español ayer," meaning "I studied for Spanish class yesterday."

To summarize:

1. Que hiciste ayer?
- Correct answer: Yo hice más tarea. (I did more homework.)

2. Adonde fuiste el sábado pasado?
- Your answer: Estaba en las películas. (I was at the movies.)
- Suggested answer: Fui al parque/casa de un amigo, etc. (I went to the park/friend's house, etc.)

3. Estudiaste para la clase de español anteayer?
- Your answer: Estudie para la clase española ayer.
- Correct answer: Estudié para la clase de español ayer. (I studied for Spanish class yesterday.)