My assignment is to write an exlpication of a peom by emily dickinson. The poem is:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

I have never done this before and I haven't a clue how to begin. Any help?

This is a great site for explaining explication:

Be sure to check the links for further information.

Here is an example of an explication of that poem.

please can somebody tell me the effects of a metaphor, onomatopoeia and extended personification are.

thank you

please reply

Of course! Writing an explanation of a poem can be a great way to engage with its themes, language, and imagery. To begin your analysis of Emily Dickinson's poem "Hope is the thing with feathers," there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Read and understand the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully, multiple times if necessary, to ensure that you grasp its meaning and overall message. Pay attention to the words, their connotations, and the structure of the poem.

2. Identify the main theme: Determine the central idea or theme of the poem. In this case, it could be the concept of hope and its endurance in difficult circumstances.

3. Analyze the poetic devices: Look for poetic devices such as metaphors, similes, symbolism, alliteration, or personification used in the poem. These devices can offer insight into the poet's intended meaning and enhance your explanation. For example, in this poem, "hope" is personified as a "thing with feathers."

4. Explore the imagery: Consider the vivid imagery employed by the poet. How does the use of imagery contribute to the overall understanding of the poem? For instance, Dickinson uses images of a bird and a storm to evoke the idea of hope persisting in adverse conditions.

5. Consider the structure and form: Examine the structure and form of the poem. Check if it follows a specific rhyme scheme or has a consistent meter. Understanding these aspects can shed light on the musicality or rhythm of the poem, and how it might contribute to the overall meaning.

6. Analyze the tone and mood: Reflect on the emotional tone and mood of the poem. Is it hopeful, melancholic, or something else? Understanding the poet's intended emotional effect can help to deepen your analysis.

7. Connect with personal experiences: Relate the poem to your own experiences or broader societal contexts. For example, you could consider how the theme of hope resonates with you or its relevance in today's world.

By following these steps and combining your own interpretations with research on Dickinson's style and background, you can begin to develop a comprehensive analysis and explanation of the poem. Remember to support your ideas with specific evidence from the text to strengthen your arguments. Good luck with your assignment!