In the book "A Day No Pigs Would Die", the father of Robert is named Haven. I would believe that the name has some sort of meaning, but since it was a semi-autobiography, would it still have a meaning?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is what the book of Etymology says about the word "haven:"

haven Look up haven at
O.E. hæfen, from O.N. hofn, from P.Gmc. *khafnaz (cf. M.L.G. havene, Ger. Hafen), perhaps from PIE *kap- "to seize, hold contain" (see have), but cf. also O.N. haf, O.E. hæf "sea." Figurative sense of "refuge," now practically the only sense, is c.1225.

This site will give you some ideas about the character of Haven Peck.

In order to determine if the name "Haven" has any meaning in the book "A Day No Pigs Would Die," we can look for clues within the text. Since the book is a semi-autobiography, the author, Robert Newton Peck, might have chosen names with intentional meaning. To explore this, we can analyze the character of Haven and any potential symbolic significance behind his name.

To begin, we should examine the traits and characteristics of the character Haven. In the book, Haven Peck is portrayed as a hardworking and deeply religious man. He is dedicated to his family, values honesty, and lives a simple and frugal lifestyle. Additionally, Haven plays a crucial role in teaching his son, Robert, important life lessons and guiding him on the moral path.

Considering these characteristics, we can associate the name "Haven" with a few possible meanings. One interpretation is that it represents a place of shelter or safety, reflecting Haven's role as a protector and provider for his family. Haven's presence in the story brings stability and comfort to the Peck household, acting as a refuge from the challenges they face.

Another meaning of the name Haven could derive from its historical and etymological connotations. The word "haven" typically refers to a harbor or a safe place for ships, suggesting that Haven Peck is a reliable and steadfast figure, opting to maintain a calm demeanor amidst life's storms.

Overall, while there doesn't appear to be a direct explanation of the name "Haven" within the book, it seems likely that the author intentionally selected a name that embodied the character's qualities and role in the story. By examining Haven's traits and the symbolic significance of his name, we can appreciate the deeper meaning that might be associated with it in "A Day No Pigs Would Die."