well i have used the dictionary websites and they don't helkp much because some of these definitions are almost the same definition as the other words. do you think you can jst answers a few questions you know because it woulf really help. :-)

1. Students found her ____________ lecture hard to follow.
A. meticulous
B. honorary
C. cogent
D. discursive

2. Everything about Carlos's financial situation seemed _________ for getting the loan he needed.
A. slovenly
B. bodacious
C. dour
D. propitious

3. Josie's __________ experience in the convent chapel led her to choose a religious life.
A. ineffable
B. ingratiating
C. maladroit
D. petulant

4. The ___________ team seemed to suffer one unlucky defeat and injury after another.
A. ineffable
B. fulsome
C. inevitable
D. hapless

5. In Charlie's adolescent years, the _________ of his existence cost him his self-confidence.
A. acerbity
B. vagaries
C. serenity
D. biliousness

6. The _________ old apple seller on the street corner used to scare Sarah.
A. copasetic
B. pulchritudinous
C. wizened
D. transmogrified

7. The judge severely ____________ his clerks for telling the press about the defendant's case.
A. chastised
B. obligated
C. inhibited
D. aggravated

8. Jessica gave a ___________ account of the conversation she'd had with the police.
A. verbatim
B. decorous
C. dilatory
D. munificent

9. John's _____________ praise of his coach was part of his plan to get onto the team.
A. innocuous
B. fulsome
C. cognizant
D. ostensible

10. Aunt Clara delivered a beautiful ____________ at Grandmother's funeral.
A. solipsism
B. eulogy
C. ineptitude
D. soubriquet

11. His __________ crimes against the state were well chronicled in the daily papers.
A. propitious
B. querulous
C. blatant
D. amorous

I tell you what, Tamy - you look the words up and give your best answers... and I will check them for you. Deal?

ok i will try me best just give me a while because i have to write an essay before i do anything right now.

OK. I'll be around until about 10 EST this evening.

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you answer these questions and also explain how to arrive at the correct answers.

1. To answer this question, you need to identify the word that fits best in the sentence based on its meaning. The sentence suggests that students found her lecture difficult to understand or follow. Based on the given options, the word that means clear, logical, and easy to understand is "cogent." Therefore, the answer is C. cogent.

2. For this question, you need to find the word that means favorable or advantageous for getting a loan. Considering the given options, the word that fits this meaning is "propitious." Therefore, the answer is D. propitious.

3. In this question, you need to determine the word that means unspeakable or indescribable to complete the sentence. Based on the context, the word that fits is "ineffable," meaning too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Therefore, the answer is A. ineffable.

4. This question asks for a word that describes a team that suffered multiple unlucky defeats. Considering the options, the word that means unfortunate or unlucky is "hapless." Therefore, the answer is D. hapless.

5. To answer this question, you need to identify the word that describes the negative impact on Charlie's self-confidence during his adolescent years. The word that means unpredictable or erratic is "vagaries." Therefore, the answer is B. vagaries.

6. This question requires you to find the word that describes the appearance of the old apple seller. Based on the sentence, the word that means shriveled or wrinkled is "wizened." Therefore, the answer is C. wizened.

7. To answer this question, you need to select the word that means scolded or reprimanded for the judge's actions towards the clerks. The word that fits this meaning is "chastised." Therefore, the answer is A. chastised.

8. This question asks for a word that describes how Jessica presented the conversation she had with the police. The word that means word-for-word or exactly as spoken is "verbatim." Therefore, the answer is A. verbatim.

9. In this question, you need to identify the word that describes John's exaggerated praise for his coach. The word that means excessive or insincere is "fulsome." Therefore, the answer is B. fulsome.

10. To answer this question, you need to identify the word that means a speech given at a funeral in honor of someone. The word that fits this meaning is "eulogy." Therefore, the answer is B. eulogy.

11. This question asks for a word that describes the severity or brazenness of the crimes committed by the person. Considering the options, the best word choice is "blatant," which means obvious or flagrant. Therefore, the answer is C. blatant.

I hope these explanations help you understand how to arrive at the correct answers for each question. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!