how many resonance structures can be drawn for sulfur trioxide, SO_3?

I can draw three.


To determine the number of resonance structures that can be drawn for a molecule, such as sulfur trioxide (SO3), we first need to understand the concept of resonance.

Resonance is an important concept in chemistry that describes the delocalization of electrons within a molecule. It occurs when a molecule can be described by multiple Lewis structures, differing only in the placement of electrons or lone pairs. Resonance structures contribute to the overall stability of a molecule.

To determine the number of resonance structures for SO3, we need to consider the arrangement of valence electrons.

Step 1: Determine the total number of valence electrons:
- Sulfur (S) is in group 16, meaning it has 6 valence electrons.
- Oxygen (O) is in group 16 as well, so each oxygen atom contributes 6 valence electrons.
- Since we have three oxygen atoms, the total number of valence electrons is 6 + (6 * 3) = 24.

Step 2: Determine the best Lewis structure:
- In the Lewis structure for SO3, sulfur is the central atom, bonded to three oxygen atoms.
- To fulfill the octet rule for both sulfur and oxygen, the sulfur-oxygen bonds are formed with a double bond and two single bonds.

║ |
O - S = O

Step 3: Distribute the remaining electrons:
- Subtract the number of electrons used in the Lewis structure from the total valence electrons: 24 - 18 = 6.
- Place the remaining valence electrons as lone pairs on the oxygen atoms to complete their octets.

║ |
O = S = O

Step 4: Check for resonance:
- We can now examine if we can satisfy the octet rule for all atoms by moving electrons.
- Double-headed arrows are used to represent resonance structures.

║ |
O = S = O ⇌ O - S = O

| |
O = S = O ⇌ O = S = O

║ |
O - S = O ⇌ O = S = O

Step 5: Count the number of resonance structures:
- By examining the possible placements of electrons, we can see that there are three resonance structures that can be drawn for SO3.

In conclusion, there are three resonance structures that can be drawn for sulfur trioxide (SO3).