write an inequality. graph it. the freezer temperature is to be kept between 15 farenhight and 25 farenheight, inclusive. thanks


15 < temp < 25

draw open circles at 15 and 25 on a number line, join them with a solid line.

The inequality representing the freezer temperature between 15°F and 25°F (inclusive) can be written as:

15 ≤ X ≤ 25

To graph this inequality, you can plot a number line from 15 to 25 and indicate that the values between and including those two points satisfy the inequality. An open circle is used to show that the values 15 and 25 are not included, while a closed circle represents that they are included in the solution set. Then, you can shade the region between the two points to indicate that any value within that range satisfies the inequality.

Here is a simple text representation of the graph:


15 25

In this graph, the open circle represents that the points 15°F and 25°F are not included, while the shaded region between the two circles represents the acceptable temperature range for the freezer.

To write an inequality for the freezer temperature, we can use the variable "x" to represent the temperature in Fahrenheit. In this case, we want the temperature to be kept between 15 degrees Fahrenheit and 25 degrees Fahrenheit, inclusive. To express this as an inequality, we can use the following notation:

\[15 \leq x \leq 25\]

The inequality states that the temperature x is greater than or equal to 15 degrees Fahrenheit and less than or equal to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The "≤" symbol represents "less than or equal to."

To graph this inequality on a number line, you can plot a closed dot at 15 and a closed dot at 25, indicating that these values are included in the solution set. Then, you draw a solid line connecting the dots to show that any temperature between 15 and 25 (inclusive) is acceptable.

Here's a visual representation of the graph:

15 25

The shaded region on the number line between the closed dots represents the range of temperatures that satisfy the given inequality.