im not aloud to use wikipeida

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Too bad because that is an excellent site! You will need to tell us what question you are trying to answer and we can send some sites to help you. OR, go to the library and look in an encyclopaedia?

Since you can't use Wikipedia, try this article for information about Isaac Newton.

If you're not allowed to use Wikipedia, don't worry! There are still plenty of other reliable sources and methods to find information. Here are some alternatives you can try when researching:

1. Books: Visit your local library or check online libraries for books related to your topic. Books often provide in-depth and well-researched information.

2. Scholarly journals and articles: Many academic institutions provide access to databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic search engines like ScienceDirect. These platforms contain peer-reviewed articles from experts in various fields.

3. Official websites: Look for official websites related to the topic you're researching. These can include government websites, organizations, research institutes, or reputable news outlets.

4. Educational websites: There are numerous educational websites that provide reliable and educational content. Examples include Khan Academy, TED-Ed, or the websites of universities and educational institutions.

5. Books and articles written by experts: Look for books or articles written by experts in the field you're interested in. Authors who have a proven track record and are respected within their field are likely to offer reliable information.

6. Reliable news sources: Check reputable news outlets for articles or reports related to your topic. Sources like BBC, The New York Times, Reuters, or Associated Press often provide well-researched information.

Remember that it's essential to critically evaluate the sources you use. Look for credibility, objectivity, and support with citations or references. By diversifying your sources and using these alternative methods, you can find reliable information even without Wikipedia.