I want to know what are the Ils/Elles form for the following verb.


Salut, Miche!

An investment in your education, at least for French, would be the paper-back book 501 French Verbs. There is a smaller one 200+ French Verbs. Each page is devoted to one verb in all the tenses, containing other verbs that follow that pattern.

Since you don't say, I assume you want the Present Indicative:

s'appeler = je m'appelle, tu t'appelles, il/elle/on s'appelle, nous nous appelons, vous vous appelez, ils/elles appellent.
NOTE: The nous and vous forms have one "l" like the infinitive, because they are "sounded endings" but the others have "double ll" because of the silent endings, and more stress on the stem.

avoir = j'ai, tu as, il/elle/on a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont
NOTE: Don't confuse this verb with être as many students do!

adorer (regular -er verb, following the pattern of the usual model verb "parler."
j'adore, tu adores, il/elle/on adore, nous adorons, vous adorez, ils/elles adorent

vouloir = je veux, tu veux, il/elle/on veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils/elles veulent.
NOTE: spelling of "nous" & "vous" like the infinitive (this is common) and the others are not.


To find the Ils/Elles form of a verb, you need to know the infinitive form of the verb. "S'appeler" means "to call oneself," "Avoir" means "to have," "Adorer" means "to love," and "Vouloir" means "to want."

To conjugate these verbs in the Ils/Elles form, you generally need to remove the -er, -ir, or -re ending of the infinitive form and add the appropriate ending.

For "S'appeler," it is a reflexive verb. In the Ils/Elles form, the reflexive pronoun is "se." Therefore, the Ils/Elles forms are "Ils/Elles s'appellent" (They call themselves).

For "Avoir," it is an irregular verb. The Ils/Elles form is "Ils/Elles ont" (They have).

For "Adorer," it is a regular -er verb. The Ils/Elles form is "Ils/Elles adorent" (They love).

For "Vouloir," it is also an irregular verb. The Ils/Elles form is "Ils/Elles veulent" (They want).

Remember that verb conjugations can vary depending on the tense (present, past, future, etc.) and the mood (indicative, subjunctive, etc.). The forms provided here are for the present tense and indicative mood.