A political scientist aruges that we have made all the constitutional changes necessary to expand sufferage. What do we need to do now is to foster the civic norm that increse citizen participation. Do you agree of disagree with that argument and WHY???

Please check the answers posted yesterday to this question.


Thank you so much but can you help me a little more??? Go Beyond voting. Heres a couple of questions we came up with to help answer the previous qestion. What are the constitutional changes that have expanded the right to vote and how did they do that??? we got the 15th, 19th, 26th, and 24th. Also, what are civic norms that increace civic participation and how can they be encouraged???

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with an analysis of the argument.

The argument put forth by the political scientist is that all the constitutional changes needed to expand suffrage have already been made. However, the focus should now shift towards fostering a civic norm that increases citizen participation.

In order to form an opinion on this argument, it is crucial to consider the points made by the political scientist and evaluate their validity. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Constitutional Changes: First, it is important to ascertain whether all necessary constitutional changes have indeed been made to expand suffrage. This involves evaluating the current constitutional provisions related to voting rights and examining whether any potential barriers or limitations still exist. Thorough research on relevant legal and constitutional documents is necessary to confirm or dispute this claim.

2. Civic Norms: The argument suggests that fostering a civic norm of increased citizen participation is needed. Civic norms refer to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors within a society. This aspect highlights the significance of promoting an environment where citizens are encouraged and motivated to actively engage in the political process. To evaluate this claim, one must examine the existing civic culture and assess whether citizen participation is indeed low or lacking. This can involve analyzing voting turnout, political activism, community engagement, and public opinion on political matters.

3. Cause and Effect: Another crucial factor is understanding the relationship between constitutional changes and citizen participation. Even if all necessary constitutional changes have been made, it does not guarantee an increase in citizen participation. It is important to explore potential barriers that might hinder citizen engagement, such as voter apathy, lack of awareness, misinformation, structural inequalities, or systemic issues within the electoral process. Understanding these factors will help in assessing the effectiveness of focusing on civic norms as a solution.

4. Factors beyond Constitutional Changes: While constitutional changes play a significant role, it is important to recognize that increasing citizen participation requires addressing a broader range of factors. This includes educational initiatives, political campaigns, civil society organizations, media involvement, and other strategies that aim to promote awareness, inclusivity, and civic engagement.

Once you have thoroughly considered these factors, you can form your own opinion on whether you agree or disagree with the argument put forth by the political scientist. Remember to gather evidence, weigh the arguments, and consider various perspectives before coming to a conclusion.