Rita traveled 135 miles in 4 fewer hrs than it took Jean to traveled 945 miles. If jeans speed was 3 times that of rita what was the speed of rita?

Not really chemistry!

If the speed of Jean is J mph and the speed of Rita is R mph then we can write 3 equations where t=time(hrs) taken by Jean.

and solve for R

To find the speed of Rita, we need to first find Jean's speed and the time it took for him to travel the distance.

Let's represent the speed of Rita as "r" and the speed of Jean as "j". We are given that Jean's speed is 3 times that of Rita, so we can write the equation: j = 3r.

We are also given that Rita traveled 135 miles in 4 fewer hours than it took Jean to travel 945 miles. This means that the time it took Rita to travel 135 miles is 4 hours less than the time it took Jean to travel 945 miles.

Let's represent the time it took Rita to travel 135 miles as "t" and the time it took Jean to travel 945 miles as "T". We can write the equation: t = T - 4.

Now, we can use the formula for speed: speed = distance/time.

For Rita: r = 135/t
For Jean: j = 945/T

Substituting the value of t from the equation t = T - 4 into the equation for Rita's speed, we get: r = 135/(T - 4).

Since we know that j = 3r, we can write: 945/T = 3(135/(T - 4)).

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of T, which represents the time it took Jean to travel 945 miles.

945/T = 405/(T - 4)
Cross-multiplying, we get: 945(T - 4) = 405T
Distributing: 945T - 3780 = 405T
Combining like terms: 945T - 405T = 3780
Simplifying: 540T = 3780
Dividing both sides by 540: T = 7

Now that we have the value of T, we can substitute it into the equation for Jean's speed to find the value of j:

j = 945/T
j = 945/7
j = 135

Therefore, Jean's speed is 135 miles per hour.

Since we know that r = j/3, we can find the speed of Rita:

r = 135/3
r = 45

Therefore, Rita's speed is 45 miles per hour.