Hello - I am afreshman & honors algebra is kicking my butt -

I need to simplify the following

(-6c)(2-3c) can some on help

Use the FOIL method to expand it out. Google search it; it might help.

(-6c)(2-3c) becomes:
-12c + 18c^2

From here, you can factor it out or whatever it requires.

Multiply 6c by everything in the parentheses to clear the parentheses.

(-6c*2) -(3c*-6c) =
-12c + 18c^2 or
18c^2 - 12c but I don't that this equation is simpler.

Thanks so much

Of course, I can help you simplify the expression (-6c)(2-3c).

To simplify, we'll use the distributive property. According to this property, we need to multiply each term inside the first parentheses with each term inside the second parentheses.

So, let's break it down step by step:

1. Multiply -6c by 2: (-6c) * 2 = -12c.

2. Multiply -6c by -3c: (-6c) * (-3c) = 18c^2 (note that multiplying a negative number with another negative number gives a positive result).

Now, we have (-12c) + (18c^2).

However, we can further simplify this expression by combining like terms. This means we'll combine the terms with the same variable and exponent.

Since there are no other terms to combine with the -12c term, we can rewrite the expression as:

18c^2 - 12c

And that is the simplified form of (-6c)(2-3c).

If you have any further questions or need additional help, feel free to ask!